miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010

memories of a chameleon

    - Miss Ashley, do you understand what I'm saying?
      Ashley looked at the man in the black suit but she didn't really saw him. She was looking in the past at the last family reunion. Everyone had been gathering together every Easter at her grandparents house and for the past three years reproaches were the same: "Why wasn't she like her cousin?". It's true they were different like night and day. She was beautiful, manipulative and the best ass kisser in the family, while Ashley didn't give a damn what people think and hated from the bottom of her heart her cousins ways of getting things like money and praise. She was a known publicist but only Ashley knew how Denise got there. Now standing on that bench  facing the biggest decision in her life she was comparing her life with her praised cousin. Ashley was working in a coffee shop and was sharing a two rooms apartment with her best friend, Kyle, having sole purpose in life defying her family's rules and ideas. While, Denise had her own house, a great career and a doctor as her husband. So in her family's eyes, Denise was a complete woman and Ashley a disgrace and failure. Saying "Yes!" to the man in front of her would have been a lethal blow to the family honor.
    - Miss Ashley?! the gravelly voice brought her back.
      She turned around to the CIA director and looked straight into his black eyes.
   - Yes. I understand. You and your agency offer me a job.
   - Not just a job. We offer you a new life. Actually more then one life. After your training you would be feared, famous and very rich.
   - Where should I sign? she answered screwing family rules in her mind.
     She saw the middle age man relaxing after she gave him her positive answer.

marți, 5 octombrie 2010

the beginings

     Beyond the walls of oblivion there are raw memories, deeply buried instincts. Shortly, a past life.
      A secret life, hidden from the naive eyes of her friends and from the entire world. A life that only a chameleon can lead. 
     In the dark world of crime, beyond the laws and normality, she's B.D., the invisible killer, Chameleon. 
     Always the same, but different every time.
     This is the story of a lost soul...
     The harsh reality of life...