vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010

     "I've never been on the other side of the sword before", he said with a sad smile. "It's not that easy as it seems"
     " No, it's not", she answered.
She tried to be strong for him, but even the smallest smile was painful.
     "Promise me you will try to be happy and give life another chance. You always died for me now it's my turn."
His words were slowly fading away as the pain and death was taking over him. She looked into his blue eyes, the same eyes that stole her heart.
     "I promise!" she whispered. "Please, don't go. Stay with me, my love. Stay..."
     "I love you" he said with his last breath and then the silence of death surrounded them.
     "I love you, too. And I promise!"
 She slowly let his head on the cold floor of the temple and then turned around to the tree of life with Excalibur in her wright hand. Celeste begin the ancient ritual of transformation. She called her ancestors: The House of Atlantis, The House of Trinity and The House of Phoenix.
     "You all gods of my past give him the peace and deliver him to another life. The one his heart needs."
And then she pulled out the sword from him.
She didn't cried or scream... Just whispered "I promise!" while he was fading away under the spell of the sword.
"Excalibur takes the energy, the life force inside you. She never kills, she just consumes you." he use to tell her.
And now she was watching him vanishing from her life like an old memory.
   "How can I live without you?" she wondered.
   "You will learn to live and to rule this world." a voice answered.

*        *

    "Who are they?", she asked him pointing to the graved stones on the tomb's wall.
    "They are my ancestrys. And yours too." he answered her amused by the look on her face.
He was always intrigued by Celeste's way of looking at the world. She never saw evil inside those around her, just the fact that they were sad or mad or other harmless feelings and state of being. And now she was looking at the mortuary wall like it was a huge bubble gum or an weird and funny animal. The creatures behind the stones were more dangerous than anything in the world but he would have bet that she would had played them like they were some harmless puppets. He loved that at her. Michael realised a night before during their moonlight dance that he loves her and that the ice around his hart disapeard the first time he kissed her.
   "You promised me you'll show me your house", she said looking at him with shrewd smile.
   "Wright this way, milady"

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