luni, 27 decembrie 2010

    Inainta incet in interiorul Sanctuarului. Caldura intensa degajata de trupul ei o anunta ca era pregatita pentru ritual. Pentru o clipa indoiala isi facu loc in mintea ei. "Daca nu va functiona?" Dar trebuia. Era ultima sansa a omenirii si trebuia sa functioneze. Sacrificase totul pentru pamanteni: familie, barbatul iubit, viata personala si acum facea un ultim sacrificiu: propria sa viata. Stia de la bun inceput ce insemna sa devina Regina Celeste. Stia la cate trebuie sa renunte, iar fiecare sacrificiu o aducea mai aproape de aceasta clipa. Cand toate planurile de aparare esuasera Angel Touch ramasese ultima lor arma. Ultima sansa la supravietuire.
    Sanctuarul  i se paruse mereu mare si impunator dar acum se facuse mult prea mic, iar culoarele mult prea scurte. Deschidea portile spre templu una cate una. Sapte porti, sapte minuni ale lumii sau sapte pacate capitale. Pentru ea era totuna.

   In fata ochilor ii aparuse imaginea lui Michael. Felul in care ii zambea atunci cand ea se supara pentru lucruri lipsite de orice importanta. Michael jucandu-se cu fiul lor. Michael citindu-i povesti fiicei lor inainte de culcare. Michael mangaind-o. Michael iubind-o. A scuturat capul pentru a alunga amintirile. In curand va fi alaturi de ei.

  Generalii isi priveau regina cu admiratie, respect si compasiune. Multi au fost alaturi de ea de la bun inceput. Altii au antrenat-o si au participat la evolutia ei ca regina si ca om. Iar acum zambetul si seninatatea de pe chipul ei le dadea speranta. Daca ea putea sa fie fericita si calma in fata mortii la fel si ei puteau sa lupte cu tot universul daca era nevoie pentru a proteja lumea pe care ea o iubea atat de mult. In acel moment ei nu mai luptau pentru omenire, ci pentru a onora memoria celei care le-a fost regina si fiica.

  Curand dupa ce a intrat in templu haosul se pornise in interiorul intregului Imperiu. Istoria ii prevestise sosirea, dar din nefericire si moartea ei. Fusese o regina memorabila. Curajoasa si iubitoare si pe timpul domniei ei lumea a fost mai presus decat orice altceva. Chiar si decat propria ei familie, iar supusii ei isi vor aminti de ea ca cea mai mareata regina: Regina Celeste.

La cateva minute dupa inchiderea zgomotoasa a portilor de la templu, pamantul incepuse sa vibreze. Ritualul incepuse si nu mai era cale de intoarcere. In interior Celeste pregatea altarul pentru transformare. Cristal pentru Apa- simbolul vietii. Jad pentru Lemn - simbolul stabilitatii universale si longevitatii. Rubin - simbolul focului si pasiunii cu care oamenii lupta pentru ceea ce iubesc. Safir - simbolul aerului pe care il respiram si al fortelor naturii. Perla - simbolul puritatii si inocentei. Cinci piloni ai vietii. Cinci surse de energie canalizate intr-un singur punct: Celeste.
" Can I ask you a question?", she asked.
" Go ahead!" 
" Are you sleeping with Kai because you are in heat? Because he's my friend and I don't want him hurt and..."
" No, I'm not. It's the other way around"
" What?!"
" It's true. I' ve always been in heat around him. I don't have an explanation for my reaction. He was my crossroads all my life. He made me realise what kind of monster I became when I was Chameleon. He was the main reason I've changed. The way he looked at me that night... haunted me for months. Still does."
" What kind of look? What did you see in his eyes?"
" I saw shock and fear, but most of all disapointment. For the first time in my life I felt worthless. Letting him down made me feel worthless. And small."

vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010

     "I've never been on the other side of the sword before", he said with a sad smile. "It's not that easy as it seems"
     " No, it's not", she answered.
She tried to be strong for him, but even the smallest smile was painful.
     "Promise me you will try to be happy and give life another chance. You always died for me now it's my turn."
His words were slowly fading away as the pain and death was taking over him. She looked into his blue eyes, the same eyes that stole her heart.
     "I promise!" she whispered. "Please, don't go. Stay with me, my love. Stay..."
     "I love you" he said with his last breath and then the silence of death surrounded them.
     "I love you, too. And I promise!"
 She slowly let his head on the cold floor of the temple and then turned around to the tree of life with Excalibur in her wright hand. Celeste begin the ancient ritual of transformation. She called her ancestors: The House of Atlantis, The House of Trinity and The House of Phoenix.
     "You all gods of my past give him the peace and deliver him to another life. The one his heart needs."
And then she pulled out the sword from him.
She didn't cried or scream... Just whispered "I promise!" while he was fading away under the spell of the sword.
"Excalibur takes the energy, the life force inside you. She never kills, she just consumes you." he use to tell her.
And now she was watching him vanishing from her life like an old memory.
   "How can I live without you?" she wondered.
   "You will learn to live and to rule this world." a voice answered.

*        *

    "Who are they?", she asked him pointing to the graved stones on the tomb's wall.
    "They are my ancestrys. And yours too." he answered her amused by the look on her face.
He was always intrigued by Celeste's way of looking at the world. She never saw evil inside those around her, just the fact that they were sad or mad or other harmless feelings and state of being. And now she was looking at the mortuary wall like it was a huge bubble gum or an weird and funny animal. The creatures behind the stones were more dangerous than anything in the world but he would have bet that she would had played them like they were some harmless puppets. He loved that at her. Michael realised a night before during their moonlight dance that he loves her and that the ice around his hart disapeard the first time he kissed her.
   "You promised me you'll show me your house", she said looking at him with shrewd smile.
   "Wright this way, milady"

miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010

memories of a chameleon

    - Miss Ashley, do you understand what I'm saying?
      Ashley looked at the man in the black suit but she didn't really saw him. She was looking in the past at the last family reunion. Everyone had been gathering together every Easter at her grandparents house and for the past three years reproaches were the same: "Why wasn't she like her cousin?". It's true they were different like night and day. She was beautiful, manipulative and the best ass kisser in the family, while Ashley didn't give a damn what people think and hated from the bottom of her heart her cousins ways of getting things like money and praise. She was a known publicist but only Ashley knew how Denise got there. Now standing on that bench  facing the biggest decision in her life she was comparing her life with her praised cousin. Ashley was working in a coffee shop and was sharing a two rooms apartment with her best friend, Kyle, having sole purpose in life defying her family's rules and ideas. While, Denise had her own house, a great career and a doctor as her husband. So in her family's eyes, Denise was a complete woman and Ashley a disgrace and failure. Saying "Yes!" to the man in front of her would have been a lethal blow to the family honor.
    - Miss Ashley?! the gravelly voice brought her back.
      She turned around to the CIA director and looked straight into his black eyes.
   - Yes. I understand. You and your agency offer me a job.
   - Not just a job. We offer you a new life. Actually more then one life. After your training you would be feared, famous and very rich.
   - Where should I sign? she answered screwing family rules in her mind.
     She saw the middle age man relaxing after she gave him her positive answer.

marți, 5 octombrie 2010

the beginings

     Beyond the walls of oblivion there are raw memories, deeply buried instincts. Shortly, a past life.
      A secret life, hidden from the naive eyes of her friends and from the entire world. A life that only a chameleon can lead. 
     In the dark world of crime, beyond the laws and normality, she's B.D., the invisible killer, Chameleon. 
     Always the same, but different every time.
     This is the story of a lost soul...
     The harsh reality of life...